Monday, 17 June 2013

ika mata

This was a real cultural wow factor meal I experienced, over twelve years ago firstly when I was visiting the Cook Islands, then again with friends when we sailed into Hai Pai, Tonga.  Lucky me! Only to experience it again recently at a Cook Island function and it was you, who I thought of, thinking I must share this. So, here is, an amazing local fish dish you can try at home or on holiday when at The Cook Islands....

3-4 kg Fresh game fish
1 Fresh chili
2 1/2 Medium tomatoes diced
1/2 Large cucumber
1 Red onion
1lt Coconut cream
3 Lemons
White vinegar and salt to taste

Cut the fish into bite size cube sand place into a bowl. Fill the bowl with salted water with a cup of white vinegar and a couple squeezes of lemon juice.  Let marinate for 2-4 hours.

Dice up the vegetables and place into a bowl. Squeeze three lemons into the salsa mix with a couple of splashes of white vinegar.

Add cococut cream to your salsa mix and stir together.  Make sure you taste it and add more lemon, salt or vinegar if need be.

Once you have the taste acquired, add as much chili as you want or just enough to counter the acidity. 
Let it set for an hour or two and serve chilled.  Serves 4-6 friends.  And whilst there have some fun.....xx

Thursday, 25 April 2013

neeeeext destination....that bucket list!

Its something most of us have experienced at some point in our life, where we sit and ponder and say “I really want to go there” or “…do that”. I know I have and so have clients I chat with. It’s the destination where we can experience, where we can pursue our favourite activity or adventure, it the thing that puts a fire in our belly.

Often it occurs more than once. It may be that childhood dream of wanting to see a city, the thrill of adrenalin, the cause to help others, a desire to learn a new language, to taste a new flavour of cuisine or culture or simply to have that change of climate. But I bet that whatever is on your dream list, bucket list, to do list, whatever you want to call it, there is more than just one destination or activity you’d like to experience. Hmmm….

Specials and updates pour in to my computer screen daily and yes, it is a moment in time, when I sit ponder and imagine. Then reality kicks in, the phone rings, I’m sitting at my desk. Regularly people ask me, where am I travelling to next and I reply “its endless….Sri Lanka, Laos, Cambodia… oh, to go back to Italy, France, Portugal and Morocco…to swim with whale sharks, to rent a villa with friends, to sail on a timber deck yacht in Croatia….ah, to be sharing the moment….”. I’m not sure, if others have as many desirable places to experience, but if I’m unable to experience them at this point in time, then the second best thing for me is to feature some of them on Travel With A Difference’s calendar. The Calendar has been created for the simple fact that, there are so many wonderful holiday experiences to be had.

Whether your desired bucket list holiday destination or experience is one purely for you to fulfil or one that can be shared with family or friends, it is worth putting on your calendar to do. It’s the joy of having experienced the dream destination that keeps us pondering on the next. Journeys on my calendar are selected or created with that point of ‘difference’, so they can be enjoyed by all. It may have set dates, but then again, the journey most likely can be tailored to suit you.

Once you’ve experienced your dream holiday, I’m sure you’ll return with a “neeeeext destination” only to be placing yet another on your bucket list to plot and plan. I see it time-after-time and all I can say is, we are lucky and fortunate. Enjoy…